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John Cena
John Cena has done it again. Once again, the man that so many fans love to hate came out on Monday Night Raw and cut a promo that had everyone buzzing. The fact that he managed to do it at the expense of AJ Styles, arguably the industry's best worker, is just half the story.
John Cena
John Cena has done it again. Once again, the man that so many fans love to hate came out on Monday Night Raw and cut a promo that had everyone buzzing. The fact that he managed to do it at the expense of AJ Styles, arguably the industry's best worker, is just half the story.
The other half of that story involves the rivalry that no one thought would ever happen. Anyone that had perhaps been on Styles' side may now have jumped sides, and everyone is surely on board with this feud now. All of that is thanks to Cena's epic promo.
Twitter was exploding as Cena took the mic. Pro wrestling journalists from every walk of life immediately applauded the effort put forth byCena, including the Miami Herald's Scott Fishman and Bleacher Report's Ryan Dilbert and Chris Mueller:
Seriously...already loving this John Cena vs. AJ Styles rivalry. This one can be electric. #WWE #Raw— Scott Fishman (@smFISHMAN) June 7, 2016
The Cena-Styles showdown is magnetic. Bad blood all over the screen. Both men bringing it. #RAW— Ryan Dilbert (@ryandilbert) June 7, 2016
I like how personal this feud between Styles and Cena feels. Solid booking so far. #Raw— Chris Mueller (@BR_Doctor) June 7, 2016
The key to the pitch-perfect tone of the segment was indeed the vibe happening between Styles and Cena. As both Dilbert and Mueller said, there did appear to be some personal animosity on display here. Casual fans may not have immediately picked up on this, but longtime fans surely did.
As always, it goes back to the age-old debate of pro wrestling versus sports entertainment.
Styles is the pro wrestler of this feud. He's a world-traveled Superstar, he's made his name in the ring against modern-day legends like Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe and Kazuchika Okada. He's considered to be one of the best talents in the history of the business, and his legend will loom long after his career in the ring is over.
He earned his way up the ladder. He worked to get everything he has and every time he steps through the ropes, he makes his opponents better. Styles is the personification of pro wrestling excellence, and he is highly respected.
But WWE commentator Mauro Ranallo's sentiment is perhaps the best example of what separates Styles from Cena: AJ has worked hard on his mic skills. Glad to see him get to put it to use ! #RAW— Mauro Ranallo (@mauroranallo) June 7, 2016
While Styles is just now beginning to hold his own in terms of mic work, it's Cena that owns the stick most of the time.
Cena has been involved in some of the company's biggest matches of all time, against opponents like Triple H, The Rock and Brock Lesnar.Cena's ring work has improved during his WWE tenure, and his United States title run in 2015 is considered by many to be truly one of his best runs.
But John Cena carries the stigma of sports entertainer with him everywhere he goes.
There's nothing inherently wrong with this, of course, but it does sum up the primary argument that traditional wrestling fans have with him. It may not be a fair assessment considering how much time has passed since he became the company's top guy, but it continues to be what he's known for.
WWE knows this as well, and that's why it was used as a method to troll the audience on Raw.
But despite how much fans are divided on Styles' perceived talent edge over Cena, none of that mattered when Cena finished his promo. The same fans that had cheered Styles for turning on Cena the week before were perhaps now cheering for WWE's top guy.
This is the power that Cena has, as he managed to turn the crowd to his side. This may not continue until their match at Money in the Bankon June 19, but the fact that it happened at all is a testament to how good Cena is. Of course, Styles' intensity was evident here as well, and he did just as much work to promote this match as Cena did.
The reaction that these guys generated proves fans are hyped to see this match happen at Money in the Bank. This is no longer about who should be heel or babyface. This is about two legends from two different sides of the industry coming together to give fans a tremendous match on the worldwide stage.
Cena's role as the perennially hated babyface will probably always exist, but it may not be an issue here. Styles' role as the babyface that should not have turned heel is irrelevant now. The fact is this feud is off to a great start, it's got fans talking and, more importantly, it's working.
WWE could not have asked for a better way to get things rolling, and there are certainly no better men to headline a rivalry like this. Cenaand Styles were meant to work with each other, and now that the fans are connected, this has the potential to become the feud of the year.
This is what WWE does best, and this is who John Cena is.
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